Slay #Entice Me Clit Stim
Slay #Entice Me Clit Stim
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
I’m so glad I bought this. It feels like a full body euphoria. It’s small but feels huge. Get this stimulator! I never need a man again.
In quarantine - 8/30/2020
This vibrator can get in some good spots. Try it you'll love it. I love you A&E
gween - 8/3/2020
I have been hesitant to buy my first vibrator bc I didn't want to spend a huge amount of money for something I possibly didn't like or spend too little and it not be great. This was priced great and really does the job! I love how the flat vibrating part of it is bigger so I can get better angles too. It has a good amount of power for how small it is all together and isn't loud.
Anonymous - 9/8/2020
My wife loves's small, quite, and powerful. And the nice thing it doesn't really have a sex tool case you accidently leave out there's no issues.
Keep em Happy59 - 10/6/2020
Perfect size and great power! Definitely recommend for anyone!
Lilred414 - 10/23/2020
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