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Whether you’re just looking for a light trim or you’ve got a jungle to remove, check out this helpful guide before you start shaving for useful tips and worthwhile advice!

Basic Guide to Intimate Grooming for Men & Women

Whether you want to go completely bald down there or just give yourself a light trim before hitting the pool, there are some essential tips you need to know about shaving “down there.” So save some time and spare some pain with this shaving guide for women and men.

1. Hit the Shower
Before you start shaving, take a warm bath or shower. Make sure to get your bush nice and wet – especially the roots. The warm water opens up your pores, which makes shaving or trimming your pubes easier and less painful. It’s also helpful to use a bit of conditioner beforehand to soften them.

2. Pull out the Scissors
It’s much easier to shave shorter pubes than longer ones. So start beating back the bush by slowly trimming the outside and working your way in. If you prefer a more natural look, then you can be done in just a few minutes. If you want more a trimmed route, it will take a little longer. Either way, make sure to use a high-quality pair of scissors. Sharp scissors cut the hairs, while duller pairs are just as likely to pull them out by roots.

3. Razor Time
Next it’s time to start shaving! You’ll need a good quality razor, preferably one with multiple blades. It doesn’t need a vibrating handle or eye-popping price tag, but it definitely helps to have a fresh blade on it. Sit down in a nice comfortable place with one leg angled up. If you have a mirror that you can position for an “up close” view that’s even better. With experience, you might be able to do it simply by feel. But when you’re just starting out, it’s good to keep your eyes on the target and make sure you don’t nick something important. Work your way from the outside in. Don’t try for a perfectly smooth finish with the first stroke of your razor. Just focus on removing the shaving cream at first. After each stroke, rinse your razor to keep it fresh and cutting smoothly. After you’ve made a first pass, apply more shaving cream and repeat as needed until you’re as smooth as can be in all the right places!

4. Regular Maintenance
It’s easier to routinely shave your bits on a regular schedule then whenever the mood hits. Regular shaving though can be a bit tougher on the sensitive skin in your nether regions. So be sure your conditioner or shaving cream contains a nice moisturizer such as Aloe and is free from any strong chemicals that might dry you out. Some exfoliating with a salt scrub or something similar can make regular shaving easier as well.

Fun Tip: Shaving doesn’t have to be a chore. You and your partner can take turns shaving each other as part of foreplay or just for a little kinky fun. Depending on your skill level, you can even shave patterns or designs into each other. This is naturally easier for the ladies, since they don’t have anything in the middle of their bush, but there are few fun twists guys can do as well!

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