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Give your imagination (and fantasies) a jumpstart with these helpful role playing tips.

4 Fun Tips for Sexual Role Playing

Let's face it — if you've been with someone for a while, the sex can get boring. You're used to the routine: make out, oral sex, two positions, and done. When things get ho-hum in the sack, it's time to whip out your imaginations and do some role playing. It's a scary proposition because you're sharing your deepest fantasies and opening yourself up to feeling silly. However, if you and your partner are in tune, you'll be able to find your sweet spot and have even more mind-blowing sex. Here's how you can get started.

Find your common ground.
First, you've got to open up the lines of communication. Share your fantasies with one another and find ones that match up perfectly. She likes being submissive, and you like to dominate? Maybe a little cop and criminal role playing is in order. You're both into 16th century English literature? Maybe something from A Midsummer Night's Dream will float both of your boats.

Set some ground rules.
Just because your partner wants to be Harry Potter doesn't mean you can go all Voldemort on them. First, discuss where you draw the line. Having a safe word may be a good idea to put a quick end to things if they end up going too far.

And… Action!
Role playing doesn't necessarily have to involve wardrobe changes, but it can certainly help you get into the mood. Buy a wig to change your hairstyle, pick out a sexy costume online or head down to the local thrift store to find some clothes that will help you get into character. You can take it a step further, too, by getting props for your bedroom to turn it into a scene from your fantasy.

Forget your fears and have fun.
With all the buildup and anticipation, starting a role playing session can be nerve-wracking for some. Remember that the ultimate goal is just to have fun. If you break character, don't worry. If things don't go as planned, just roll with it. Whether it leads to the best sex you've ever had or just a good laugh, you and your partner will make a memory you'll never forget.

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