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Hotwifing is the newest trend in open relationships. Learn all about it from real-life couples and see if it’s something you want to try.

The Inside Scoop on Hotwifing

Hot wifing has surged in popularity over the past five years. More married couples than ever have started researching the hot wife lifestyle while looking for ways to spice up their relationship.

What is Hotwifing?
Hotwifing is a type of open relationship where the wife has sex with other partners with her husband’s permission. In many cases, the husband picks these partners for his wife and takes pride in the fact that others consider his wife sexually desirable. Many husbands also take a certain amount of pleasure from hearing about how much their hot wife enjoyed the encounter.

James F., who’s been in a hot-wife relationship for almost three years, says it has made his wife more open to experimenting with things in the bedroom and acting out his fantasies. “I let her have her playtime,” he says, “So when the two of us are together, she’s really focused on making me happy. And seeing her come back from her ‘date’ all glowing and smiling makes me happy that she’s happy.”

Cat M. says she had her first hot wife encounter about six months ago. “It was with one of my husband’s old college friends. They’ve been buddies for really long, so (my husband) knew he could trust him to take care of me and not get attached or anything like that,” she said. “I haven’t been with a lot of different partners, so I really enjoyed seeing how he did things differently than my husband.”

Hotwifing vs. Cheating vs. Cuckolding
It’s important to note that Hotwifing is completely different from cheating or cuckolding. A hot wife has sex with other partners with her husband’s full knowledge and consent. She doesn’t need to sneak around behind his back because she has his permission to have sex with other partners. It’s not cheating because the husband knows all about it before it ever happens, and he’s perfectly okay with it. Knowing his wife is having sex with other people might even turn him on.

While cuckolding has some things in common with hotwifing, the two are very different experiences. Cuckolding involves insulting or demeaning the husband. The cuckolding wife might tell her husband she has to have sex with other men because he’s incapable of satisfying her. She’ll brag about her other partner’s bedroom skills and abilities while telling her husband that he can never measure up. She might even order her husband to watch her have sex with another man or even have him wear a chastity cage.

Hot wives still have sex with other partners. And they might even tell their husbands about it. But they don’t brag about their other lover’s abilities or insult their husband while doing it.

Another big part of the difference comes in the husbands themselves. Men in a cuckold relationship tend to have low self-confidence and be on the sexually submissive side. They don’t think they’re capable of pleasing their wives, so they encourage her to seek sexual gratification with other people. Hot wife husbands, on the other hand, are much more confident and assertive. They’re interested primarily in expanding their wives’ sexual experiences and take pride in enhancing her pleasure.

Is Hotwifing Right for My Marriage?
Ultimately, this is a question that only you and your spouse can answer after talking it over and taking some time to think about it. There are some common traits in a successful hotwife relationship that can help make your decision easier.

The husband cannot have a jealous bone in his body. If he’s not comfortable with his wife flirting with other men in a bar or at a party, then there’s no way he’ll be able to handle her actually having sex with them. And if he ever starts becoming jealous, it’s important for him to let his hot wife know before it damages their relationship.

Don’t let hotwifing interfere with your regular life. Having a sexual hall pass can be incredibly exciting and maybe even a little overwhelming. For some people, it’s all too easy to ignore responsibilities such as household chores or taking care of the kids while focusing on the pursuit of pleasure. Commentator Mike posted that it’s important for couples to establish rules in advance before embarking on any hotwife escapades. “Everything is up-front and we know what is going on. Then we pick up the kid from grandma's and continue our regular domestic life as a committed married couple/family.”

The hot wife can't develop an emotional connection with her sexual partners. Hotwifing is all about the physical. If a hot wife starts developing feelings for someone other than her husband, she's likely to cross the line into cheating and lead to a nasty divorce.