Intimate Earth Discover G-Spot Gel
Intimate Earth Discover G-Spot Gel
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
Pros: Wife wants it often Cons: Wife wants it often
KURT - 6/22/2016
the other day i purchased a bottle of your organic g-spot arousal gel. yesterday i went on a date to the aquarium with this guy, and it was the worst date ever... i mean ever!!he barely spoke to me..ive been seeing him for about a month anyway (and hes normally really fun...and the sex is good but not amazing) i was thinkin!!! the end!!! but i thought okay hes quite cool ill give him anothe... Read more
Lani in Love! - 8/31/2009
This Is by far the best ever gel.. First off my other is a GILF .. She was worried about being pre-meopausal and in need of a gel. In the almost year we have been together she was never dry however in 40plus years never discovered the g-spot (or should I say any partners) We did without this stuff ... however after using this organic gel she literally squirted .. so we had another first. Thanks ... Read more
Anonymous - 4/23/2012
Married for 25 years. Probably one of the most responsive sessions ever. Fast and furious! !
Anonymous - 10/1/2012
I first tried this as a free sample and holy daaaaamn did it work some magic. Just one little drop and it made sex with my husband an even more powerful experience. After I ordered the full product I found that it’s excellebd during solo play time as well. Really intensifies all those feelings deep inside and results in much stronger orgasms.
PrincessLilyRose - 5/21/2019
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