Intimate Earth Adventure Anal Relaxing Serum for Her
Intimate Earth Adventure Anal Relaxing Serum for Her
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
My wife has been very very skepicatal about anal for over 6 years...only trying it less than a hand full of times. After she was trying to try anal again she wanted to use something to help her back there. After the first use of this stuff, I have had her (back door) 4 times this week. She loves it and so do I!@! Well worth it.
Mr. Davis - 10/9/2011
I have been happily married for 18 years. In the beginning my husband an i wanted to try anal so we did all the research , talked to other couples , watched how to videos an so on. So we tried it lots of lube, stared warm up with finger tips, fingers, very small toys an so on well nothing worked. It just was not comfortable an hurt . We tried 5 or 6 times and it just came down to it was just no... Read more
Happy wife - 4/17/2019
My wife and I have just started anal, so I went out and got some anal relaxing lube to try and make it a more comfortable experience. It worked but now that she is enjoying it the lube makes her numb so she dosent get the same feeling. So we bought this spray and it does not numb her back there. She says it has a warming sensation instead of numbing plus it does smell pretty good so that was an... Read more
Anonymous - 2/11/2011
My wife went from hating to loving anal sex...enough said!!!
Anonymous - 7/15/2012
I hated anal, and this has made it super enjoyable. Kinda tingly at first, smells like cloves, but works wonders. I love this product and am so happy I got it. Didnt wait 3 to 10 minutes like it suggests, and still worked. No pain!
Anonymous - 8/11/2012
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