Coochy Intimate Feminine Spray
Coochy Intimate Feminine Spray
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
It works like it’s supposed to. Especially if it’s a very sexy morning and you have to go to work.
Mandy - 9/6/2018
The scent is very light clean.
Kitty78 - 5/23/2019
This product is absolutely amazing! It works wonders, it's magic in a bottle, you'll never want to stop using it! It Takes away the irritation, shave bumps, & redness to leave you silky smooth for days! With this product you will shave less as it works longer than regular shaving products, I've been using it for many years & it's my all time favorite! Works well on Sensitive skin as well so no ne... Read more
lil'tata707 - 1/22/2022
Great product! Comes in handy way more than you might think! Smells great, and the scent isn't over powering.
Ms.simpson;) - 4/10/2020
makes me feel refreshed and it smells great!
LadyCurves69 - 5/28/2020
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