Natural Realskin Squirting Penis With Harness
Natural Realskin Squirting Penis With Harness
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
This is one of the best products I have bought from any where. Very good quality. Very close to the real thing.
Sassygirl48 - 8/14/2019
Feels amazing. Wife loves it. The squirting function works great
Anon - 8/19/2019
I bought this product to add a little more spice to our relationship and my girlfriend loves it. She enjoys it so much that we use it every time we have sex :)
Hummingbird88 - 9/22/2019
I've only tried this once with my gf so far but it was great. Took some patience to ease it in because of the thickness but once I was in we were good to go and she thoroughly enjoyed it.
Deez4you - 10/17/2019
At first I was surprised by its girth but with a little lube, the fun began!!!
Cornbread - 10/25/2019
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