Luxe Wearable Vibra Plug
Luxe Wearable Vibra Plug
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
Bought this to wear around the house and do yard work with in in hopes it wouldnt try to come out and it did not disappoint one bit!!!! Once that ball is inserted good luck getting it back!!!! Once lubed up it's a bit difficult to insert due to the round design but let me tell you, once u get it over the widest part you will not regret it. Pros- Very filling, durable, very comfy to wear for ex... Read more
Anonymous - 1/14/2018
My girlfriend absolutely loves this! She reports: -Feels very comfortable -Very subtle vibrations when walking -Very big noticeable vibrations with a little smack on the butt in public -**be relaxed when removing... it feels bigger than it is on the way out, but not unmanageable for the "advanced novice"
Anonymous - 2/25/2018
It's a perfect size pops right in and very comfortable I would recommend you give this one a try. On the other hand I could not feel any vibration at all but thats okay thats not why I GOT IT FOR anyway!
Anonymous - 2/22/2018
Very Comfortable to wear. Definitely not for beginners.
Anonymous - 8/20/2017
hard to insert great wearing for extended time
Anonymous - 8/23/2017
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