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Monogamy A Hot Affair With Your Partner Game

Over 70,000 Sold (252) 4.30000019073486 stars out of 5 Reviews

Monogamy A Hot Affair With Your Partner Game

Over 70,000 Sold (252) 4.30000019073486 stars out of 5 Reviews

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Play The Hottest Game Ever & Discover New Possibilities - Together!

Celebrate and discover all new sexy possibilities, whether you’re a new couple or have been together for years! This foreplay-friendly game, endorsed by Men's Health & sexpert Dr. Emily Morse, is ideal for setting the mood. You'll race each other around a board filled with exciting questions, naughty fantasies, and steamy dares. As you play, clothes start coming off as things get hotter & hotter until you explode with passion! Adults-only game designed for 2 players.

Key Features
  • Our most popular game
  • Land on fun & naughty challenges like stripteases & food play
  • Gets hotter & hotter as you circle the board
  • Great for spicing up foreplay

To play, take turns rolling the die to move around the game board. Whatever square you land on, you must perform the corresponding action. The Strip square directs you to take off an article of clothing. The Drink & Food squares let you sip or nibble seductively. Monogamy squares direct you to pick a card. Special squares like the Massage Parlor or Erotic Dancing challenge you to get physical.

Every time you round the board, you’ll collect a ring and the level of intimacy will increase. Go from suggestive pink Intimacy cards to naughtier Passionate cards all the way to Steamy cards that will really get you hot under the collar! The first one to collect six rings wins. The winner then gets to choose a super-hot and sexy fantasy from the cards they’ve collected. Trust us – this is one very naughty game worth winning.


¡Celebre y descubra todas las nuevas posibilidades sexys, ya sea que sean una pareja nueva o hayan estado juntos durante años! Este juego amigable con los juegos previos, respaldado por la Dra. Emily Morse y sexperta de Men's Health, es ideal para crear el ambiente. Competirán entre sí en un tablero lleno de preguntas emocionantes, fantasías traviesas y desafíos apasionantes. Mientras juegas, la ropa comienza a desprenderse a medida que las cosas se ponen cada vez más calientes hasta que explotas de pasión. Juego sólo para adultos diseñado para 2 jugadores.

Para jugar, por turnos, tirad el dado para moverlos por el tablero de juego. Cualquiera que sea la casilla en la que aterrices, deberás realizar la acción correspondiente. El cuadrado Strip te indica que te quites una prenda de vestir. Los cuadrados Drink & Food te permiten beber o mordisquear de forma seductora. Los cuadrados de monogamia te indican que elijas una carta. Plazas especiales como el Salón de Masajes o el Baile Erótico te desafían a ponerte físico.

Cada vez que recorras el tablero, recogerás un anillo y el nivel de intimidad aumentará. ¡Pasa desde sugerentes tarjetas de intimidad rosas hasta tarjetas apasionadas más atrevidas y hasta tarjetas tórridas que realmente te pondrán caliente! Gana el primero que consiga seis anillos. Luego, el ganador puede elegir una fantasía súper atractiva y sexy entre las cartas que ha coleccionado. Créenos: este es un juego muy travieso que vale la pena ganar.

Brand Creative Conceptions
Size English, Spanish

(252) 4.30000019073486 stars out of 5

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I would recommend this product

5 stars out of 5

Verified Buyer

I was nervous about it at first because I knew I'd be asked to do things that make me anxious or things I'm not used to. But once we got into it (and a little less sober) I opened up and it was a lot of fun. I liked how it started slow with just intimacy and worked up to the more intense things. If I had to offer advice, I'd say start fully clothed and make sure you haven't eaten too much lol. You... Read more

Fun times - 9/16/2018

A great product

5 stars out of 5

Verified Buyer

This game was great. It is a little long so I recommend skipping the first level. But the longer it goes on, the wetter the wife gets. Nothing like rubbing the inside of her thighs and feeling her wetness when my hand brushes up against her lips. I almost called the game right then and there.

Anonymous - 1/13/2019

I love it. Me and my husband had a blast playing

5 stars out of 5

Verified Buyer

It lasted a little long, but that could be our fault because we kept getting sidetracked with each other.

Satisfied buyer - 3/20/2018

Surprisingly fun

5 stars out of 5

Verified Buyer

This is our first "Game" purchase. A few things I'd point out. First, this is INTENDED to generate anticipation and teasing. It is NOT meant to "roll the dice and dive into bed" sort of thing. Second, just be relaxed, fully dressed, and maybe have a glass of wine. For us, we played after going out to dinner. So, we were dressed nicely, had a bottle of wine at home, and played the game. ... Read more

J&J - 10/21/2021

great fun

5 stars out of 5

Verified Buyer

it was fun and was great foreplay.

Anonymous - 2/25/2018

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Monogamy A Hot Affair With Your Partner Game Box and game components English
Monogamy A Hot Affair With Your Partner Game